Tuesday, February 24, 2009

About The Silky Terrier

A Silky is a "toy terrier". He is moderately low set, slightly longer than tall, of refined bone structure, but of sufficient substance to suggest the ability to hunt and kill domestic rodents. His inquisitive nature and joy of life make him an ideal companion. The keenly alert air of the terrier is characteristic. The manner is quick, friendly, responsive.

Approximate size of a Silky is 10 inches at the shoulder height and approximately 10 pounds. They are of a fine bone but maintain muscle and strength of a much larger dog. They do not think they are small but a large dog in a small "suit."

The Silky may not be the breed for every home. You must be willing to add another intelligent being to your family as a Silky can be much like having a 2-3 year-old child loose in the home. They do not like being neglected or forgotten and if left alone for too long a time they will find entertainment that may not be to your liking!

They can be jealous and revengeful as well as loving and affectionate. A Silky isn't hyper but they do have tons of energy and love to play fetch, go for long walks and in general, be involved in whatever the family is doing! Silkys may resemble a Yorkie to some people but, they are very different. They actually come closer to being an Australian Terrier with a Yorkie look to coat if you must compare them.